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This Staedtler 9712AABK25 are 29% off on Amazon! Click here to take advantage of huge discount!
Here are some of the great features of Staedtler iRemedy Anti-Bacterial Ballpoint Pen & Mechanical Pencil Set with Pen & Eraser Refills (9712AABK25)
Staedtler 9712AABK25, Pen & Pencil set, Anti-bacterial ballpoint pen & mechanical pencil plus pen and eraser refills. Anti-bacterial protection in the grip and barrel. Black ink.
- Anti- bacterial ballpoint pen and mechanical pencil set, 1 each + pen & eraser refills.
- anti-bacterial protection in barrel and grip
- 1 pen refill & 1 eraser refill
Save on Staedtler 9712AABK25. Best Deals Staedtler iRemedy Anti-Bacterial Ballpoint Pen & Mechanical Pencil Set with Pen & Eraser Refills (9712AABK25) Best Price. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Time is running out! Order Now and SAVE